Meet the Team Behind Rosharon Dental

It takes a special kind of dental couple to open a clinic during a global pandemic, but Drs. Michael Cervantes and Charlene Veranunt are a dental powerhouse, one that is rooted in family.

Left to Right: Dr. Rohail Momen, Dr. Michael Cervantes, and Dr. Charlene Veranunt

Charlene Veranunt knew at a young age that she wanted to be a dentist. She and her sister Chanica grew up around their mother’s dental practice. She attended Loma Linda University School of Dentistry, where she met her husband, Dr. Michael Cervantes. Together, they volunteered weekly at a dental clinic in a local homeless shelter and took yearly service trips to Nicaragua. After graduating, they were able to go to Thailand as faculty with Dr. Charlene’s younger sister, Chanica, who was a student at the time.

Dr. Cervantes then joined the Army for a four-year stint, and the couple moved to El Paso. While there, Dr. Veranunt worked at a children-only office for a few years and really developed a passion for working with kids.

A cold call from a realtor led Dr. Cervantes to explore potential office spaces. Seeking recommendations for equipment reps, he connected with Burkhart Dental Supply. The personalized approach and family-like atmosphere at Burkhart resonated with Dr. Cervantes, making it the right fit for their practice. “Ultimately, we just liked the whole way Burkhart works. It felt… more personal than some of the other companies.”

The dental operatory decorated in tranquil shades of blue and gray, designed to create a calm and welcoming atmosphere.

Beyond the Basics

Burkhart’s expertise extended beyond equipment recommendations, providing valuable insights on office layout and ensuring efficient use of space. Burkhart also advised on properly positioning equipment and maximizing square footage.

When it came to designing their dental office, Dr. Cervantes & Veranunt recognized the value of making patients feel at ease. They aimed for a clean, inviting space and a family-friendly environment, hoping to create a positive experience for everyone who walked through the door.

Their 8-chair practice, primarily designed by Dr. Veranunt in serene blues and grays, exudes a welcoming and relaxing ambiance. They want their patients to feel relaxed and comfortable and reduce any dental anxiety.

“We wanted it to feel clean and inviting and make it feel as though — trying to reduce any barriers that patients may have to come into the office so we can just feel like a family-friendly environment.” Bringing in additional help was another strategic move for Dr. Cervantes and Dr. Veranunt. The first year of their practice was challenging — COVID-19, a newborn daughter, and the demands of running a new office. To achieve a better work-life balance, they decided to expand their team. Dr. Rohail Momen soon joined, allowing them to share responsibilities and create a more sustainable practice.

Tranquil waiting area for patients.

Supply Savings Guarantee

Rosharon Family Dental is a customer of Burkhart’s Supply Savings Guarantee Program. Dr. Cervantes initially hesitated about the SSG due to cost control concerns during the early stages of their practice. However, as time passed, the convenience of working with their Account Manager, Craig Causey, became evident.

Craig’s assistance in ordering supplies streamlines their processes and alleviates the burden of shopping around for the best price.

Regular communication between Craig and Dr. Cervantes’ team ensures that their practice maximizes cost savings while maintaining quality. Quarterly discussions keep them informed and aligned with their financial goals.

“I’d say he’s saving us not only just on supplies but even on time, as far as us having to go to each [manufacturers’ individual website to purchase.”

Dr. Veranunt plays a pivotal role in the administrative tasks and in systemizing their practice. Her perspective and commitment to creating efficient processes to benefit the practice are, in part, what led her to want to help her sister open a practice.

In late 2023, she and her sister opened Bliss Pediatric Dentistry (see Rooted in Family:Part 2), half a mile down the road from Rosharon Family Dental, where they now refer most of their pediatric patients. As Dr. Veranunt now practices 2 days a week at Bliss, their practice dynamics may shift. However, the future looks bright for both offices, with possible expansions or one large office on the horizon.

The open and airy hallway creates a calm path to the private dental suites.


Invaluable Insights

Dr. Michael Cervantes advises any new doctors opening a practice to prepare for the unexpected. While planning is essential, recognize that unforeseen situations will arise. Trust your instincts and remain adaptable as you navigate the complexities of building your office.

Working with Burkhart has been instrumental for Dr. Cervantes. He leaned heavily on experts like his Equipment Specialist to make informed decisions. He says to trust those who have experience in areas where you lack expertise. Whether it’s equipment selection or office layout, seek guidance from professionals who understand the nuances of dental practice management.

Dr. Cervantes acknowledges that while they occasionally choose other vendors, Burkhart remains at the heart of their practice. From planning to installation to current support, Burkhart has provided invaluable insights, helping them anticipate challenges and plan strategically. “Burkhart has been really helpful in a lot of what we’ve done…it felt like I had a lot of support in areas that I never thought I would.”


To learn more about Rosharon Family Dental visit



Written by Dawn Kahl

Published in CatalystQ3 2024.


Category: Practice Consulting, Supply Savings Guarantee

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