Practice Guide

Practice Systems

A busy dental practice can create a hectic environment that can lead to burnout, staff turnover, and a poor patient experience.

“Systems” refer to protocols that reduce chaos and ensure a healthy business and working environment. Clear guidelines will create a productive workflow and positive energy for your team and patients. Over time, you will find documented protocols provide immediate guidelines as well as future training as the practice grows. You may also find the need to add additional, documented systems that are unique to your practice. For example, it may be valuable for an assistant to list the instrument sequence and materials you like when placing composites. Some practices call these “quality control initiatives.” They become healthy activities for staff members and build greater buy-in when the staff has a part in creating the protocol.


Key Systems


Fees – Maintaining a Healthy Fee Schedule

To stay within healthy benchmarks, dental practices should maintain fees between the 75th and 80th percentile for the area’s zip code. McGill Advisors routinely recommends a 3-5% annual fee increase. Learn More


Chart Documentation Guidelines

It’s no secret comprehensive patient records are crucial to patient care and practice success. What should be included? Learn More


Consultative Case Presentation Skills

Mastering case presentation skills provide the opportunity for dental team members to do what they do best – great dentistry. It all begins with the flow of information. Learn More


Resolving Patient Objections

There are three keys to finding solutions for a patient’s care and resolving objections. Learn More


Time & Motion Analysis for Highly Effective Dental Assistants

A time and motion study can be utilized to improve efficiency and establish productivity standards. Learn More 


Best Practice Checklist

Best practices refer to protocols that reduce chaos and ensure a healthy business environment. This worksheet download can help you stay on the right track. Learn More

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