Positive dental practice performance is on the rise, as reported in McGill Hill Advisors’ 2018 survey results.

  • 55% of doctors reported more new patients compared to 2017, with an average increase of 14%
  • 28% reported higher case acceptance rates
  • 35% of practices reported being busier in 2018, with 13% reporting a 100% capacity rate
  • The average production grew by 14%, largely as a result of more new patients
  • 65% of practices reported higher collections in 2018

Successful dental practices manage growth effectively through implementation of proven business systems, in order to reach predetermined goals. More practices are reporting positive business results and in response, many are looking to add new staff, associates, partners or even locations as their practice grows. Practices are also looking for ways to compete better in the dental landscape by adding in-house specialists or additional days or hours to the practice schedule to ensure they are meeting the needs of an increasingly busy patient population.

Regardless of the approach, it is imperative to the success of these additions and to your practice over all that you maintain (or enhance) the quality of care provided, the patient experience your loyal patients have come to count on, and continue to support your practice vision with these additions.



  1. Consistently Communicate
    Consistently communicate your vision and clinical philosophy of care – studies show leaders under communicate vision to their teams. Vision and mission are exceptionally valuable in times of change. Since change is an essential component in strategic planning for your business, it is imperative for you to tie any changes to the mission statement and how the change will increase your and the teams’ ability to meet that mission.
  2. Document Systems
    Document systems for consistency and train on these thoroughly. It is up to you to create clarity for all team members. Documented systems and scripting provide a rich, reliable resource for training new employees and for reference as you coach employees moving forward. Include following these agreed upon systems in detailed job descriptions for team members. Script frequent interactions and role-play these as a team during staff meetings. Map the patient experience you want and walk this through as a team, ensuring everyone knows the “why.”
  3. Set Expectations
    Be clear on expectations for all your team members. Communicate regularly through team meetings, daily morning huddles, and enhance teamwork through regular performance reviews. If team members will work during times you as the leader are not present, allow a way to communicate and respond to questions promptly. Whiteboards, a notebook, staggered huddles for those who come in later in the day, or video recordings played for the team from an iPhone are all successful ways we have seen leaders effectively convey expectations and information.
  4. Invest Time
    Invest in time with the team. Interactive meetings and team building activities reinforce your culture and allow an opportunity to spotlight what’s going well and provide consistent encouragement. In times of growth and change, team members need this even more.
  5. Explore Improvements
    Explore continuous improvement. How might a new approach support the vision and mission of the practice? Is there an area of the practice that needs attention? How might improving technology support the mission?

Need help managing your growth and pushing your practice performance forward?

Burkhart’s Practice Support Team welcomes the opportunity to support our loyal clients in planning for continued growth. We are committed to your practice’s business success.

Your success is our success. Please reach out to us anytime.
Learn more, visit the Practice Support Team page, email us at PracticeSupportTeam@BurkhartDental.com, or call 1.800.665.5323.

Burkhart Dental Supply – Practice Support Team


Category: Practice Consulting

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