Effectively address patient objections by honing in on these four skills.


1. Straightforward Communication

Good communication involves two things — listening and talking. It sounds simple, however many people forget the first component. Without listening, you cannot know what your patient needs, wants, or finds concerning. To effectively listen and resolve patient objections:

  • Be warm & attentive.
    People can instinctively feel when someone wants to listen. Engage, ask questions, provide feedback and empathize with emotion.
  • Maintain eye contact.
    The patient needs to know they are “seen” and their care is the #1 priority.
  • Show you are listening.
    Communication should be a dynamic, interactive process to ensure you understand what your patient is saying.
  • Use silence and avoid jargon.
    Create space for the patient by speaking clearly, and avoiding technical jargon and/or abbreviations. Patients are less likely to proceed with treatment if they don’t understand.
  • Ask open-ended questions.
    Encourage dialogue by refraining from using questions that resolve in a simple yes or no answer.


2. Case Presentation Skills

Communicating with a patient during a case presentation requires special skills.

  • Allow for uninterrupted time.
    Avoid interruptions in operatories during case presentations.
  • Be at eye level with the patient.
    Create a sense of comfort and connection. When a patient remains in an inclined position, they are less likely to engage in dialogue.
  • Use intraoral photos (IOP).
    This allows the patient to see what the clinician sees and understand the proposed treatment. IOPs have a powerful impact on case acceptance – increasing case acceptance by 35%.
  • Create tangible value.
    Through other visual aids such as digital images, models, and before-and-after photos.
  • Create a co-diagnosis approach.
    Hygiene teams should feel comfortable interviewing the patient and directing the conversation to oral health concerns and options.


3. Provide Options

The two most common reasons patients decline or hedge on proceeding with treatment are anxiety and financial constraints.

  • Whenever possible, provide options for the patient in terms of anxiety management.
  • Have external financing options and internal financing plans limited to three months or less. Exceptions can be made for higher fee treatment such as orthodontics, not to exceed six months.
  • If you think or know the cost will be an objection, bring it up first. Financial conversations with patients should be held in a private or semi-private area.


4. Create Consistency Through Scripting

Nearly every possible patient interaction regarding treatment can be scripted. Scripted responses empower your team, save time, and provide high-quality patient interactions.

Our Practice Support Team (PST) can help you build your script library. We provide complimentary resources for our valued Burkhart clients. Reach out to your Burkhart Account Manager or PST. If we don’t have the scenario you are looking for, we will help you create it.



Have you implemented a strategy that has improved your case acceptance? Share it with us for a chance to win a gift card!

Your success is our success. Please reach out to us anytime.
Learn more, visit the Practice Support Team page, call 1.800.665.5323 or email us at PracticeSupportTeam@BurkhartDental.com

Burkhart Dental Supply – Practice Support Team



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