TC-24a, the corded LED curing light with the wider lens can be mounted on the delivery system like a handpiece is the latest in high-power LED technology providing 1400 mW/cm² intensity & 700 mW/cm² low. The 11 mm wider lens is designed to easily cover a larger area, such as a 10 mm molar for a fast cure without missing a thing. The uniquely designed flat back head and low-profile design ensure easy access to all areas of the month. The front and back power buttons allow for easy operation. The LED has 4 diodes in the tip to provide multiple – wavelength output (440 – 465 nm) capable of polymerizing almost all light-cured dental materials and will also penetrate porcelain and cure underlying resin cement and allows for a 6-second uniform cure. The digital readout can be timed between 2 and 20 seconds.