Dr. Jay Slater’s Practice Thrives With Our Supply Guarantee Program


“My practice is thriving. And it’s truly Burkhart [that] has been integral into the whole process. So, I am so grateful. I love the relationship I have with Matt and I just want to continue that for the rest of my career.
– Dr. Jay Slater, SSG Customer

Dr. Jay Slater (right) and Matt Milligan (left), Burkhart Account Manager


Name Dr. Jay Slater
Business Slater Family Dentistry
Location Portland, Oregon
Time with Burkhart 6 Years
Time on Supply Savings Guarantee Program 3.5 Years
Account Manager Matt Milligan


“[The SSG] actually opens up more conversations because I’m seeing how his business is doing. So it gives me insight into asking questions based on all the other customers that I have on this program and company-wide.”
– Matt Milligan, Account Manager



Additional Wins

“…As a whole, the SSG program made sense to just really make sure we’re maximizing our profits, making sure we have the resources we need, really kind of comparing what Burkhart can do for us versus other companies, just to get the most bang for our buck, and it’s really paid off well.”

“I think we calculated we’ve saved over $100,000 with savings and free resources. It was really just a no-brainer. If you want to save money, this is the way to do it.”

Business Solutions

To learn more about the Supply Savings Guarantee, please reach out to your Account Manager or contact Customer Service at 1.800.562.8176 


Written by Dawn Kahl

Published in CatalystQ2 2024.

Category: Supply Savings Guarantee

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